[link] Wrap a visual selection in an HTML tag
Wrap a visual selection in an HTML tag.
Pretty useful function. I have only slightly modified it to take the tag as parameter and insert the tag on the line before/after selection. And hooked it on a keyboard shortcut.
[ The '^M' below should be converted there into real ^M (typed as ^V^M). ]
" Wrap visual selection in an HTML tag. vmap <C-q> <Esc>:call VisualHTMLTagWrap('cite')<CR> vmap <C-T> <Esc>:call VisualHTMLTagWrap('title')<CR> function! VisualHTMLTagWrap(tag) normal `> if &selection == 'exclusive' exe "normal i^M</".a:tag.">" else exe "normal a^M</".a:tag.">" endif normal `< exe "normal i<".a:tag.">^M" normal `> normal j endfunction
You can try the suround plugin from tpope it will actually do what you want and a lot more.
The only downside is that it is far more code and is not installed on every machine. Oh well...
Best, Nikola
There is a plug-in for everything.
But the beauty of the VIM is that very often one can code what's needed in much shorter time than: searching for the plugin, selecting from all the options best suited one, installing it, learning how to use it, use it.
When possible, I prefer to keep things simple. (Plugins are complicated by definition IMO.) And without trying it with own hands, one would never really know what simple and what's not.
I totally agree. The thing is that if you are doing some html/xml and I am almost every day - you should consider investing in learning the plugins for that. This one is totally recommended - I am using it for other things like wiki syntax and what not.
Otherwise you are totally right - I prefer to not have plugins that are > 100 lines with some exceptions of course. I find them scary...
Best, Nikola
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